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Levante UD

Coca-Cola and Levante UD renew their commitment after more than 20 years together

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The president of Levante UD, Pablo Sánchez, visited the Coca-Cola plant in Valencia together with the Director of Communication, Institutional Relations and Sustainability in the Valencian Community, Fernando Álvarez, who explained the entire manufacturing process of the drink with the best kept secret in the world: Coca-Cola. For his part, Sánchez thanked the company for their uninterrupted support of Levante UD for more than 20 years and for always being able to count on their collaboration for the many events that the club have organised throughout this time period, such as the Granota Fair and Corporate Day, among many others.

During the tour of the modern facilities, Fernando Álvarez explained that the plant was chosen in 2021 as the best in the corporation. With just over 70 years of history "during which we have manufactured some of the most important and well-known drinks in the world such as Coca-Cola itself, as well as the recently created and very successful Fanta, Sprite, Monster and Royal Bliss."

The president of Levante UD pointed out to Fernando Álvarez the coincidence between the history of the club he represents and the company, as the Valencia plant began as a warehouse in the Valencian neighborhood of Cabanyal where one of the two halves of Levante UD was also born. Sánchez thanked Álvarez for Coca-Cola's support of Levante UD, since all the water consumed in all the club's sports sections comes from the company.

Fernando Álvarez drew Sánchez's attention to the modern facilities and driverless forklifts, 27 fully automatic and electric laser-guided vehicles. Specifically in this plant in Valencia, about 110 million boxes are produced every year, which represents around 580 million litres per year from 10 production lines.

The president of Levante UD thanked Fernando Álvarez for the work they do at Coca-Cola with a great positive socioeconomic impact, thus promoting social and economic development both nationally and locally. This is demonstrated by the results of the Socioeconomic Impact Study of Coca-Cola's activity in Spain in 2022 prepared by the consulting firm Steward Reedqueen, which highlights that Coca-Cola's total contribution to the Spanish economy in 2022 amounted to 6,257 million euros, which represents 0.5% of the Gross Domestic Product.

In their role as a driving force, Coca-Cola's activity generates direct and indirect employment for 99,500 people, with 3,800 being the number of direct jobs created. These figures indicate that, for every direct job created, 25 indirect jobs are generated.