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Levante UD

In-Person Season Ticket Sales Begin at Ciutat de València

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Levante UD will start its in-person season ticket campaign tomorrow, Monday, June 17. The sales will run until July 5, from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday to Friday, except for the afternoon of July 1, when both online and in-person sales will be closed.

Online Purchase and Physical Ticket Collection

The online purchase option was launched on June 13. Those who have purchased their season ticket online can collect their physical ticket in three ways:

  • Digital: Access the ticket digitally.
  • Pick-up: Collect it at Sala 1909 in the Ciutat de València stadium (from June 21 to July 12).
  • Delivery: Opt for home delivery with shipping costs covered.

Renewing Seats

Monday, July 1, until 2:00 PM, is the last day for current season ticket holders to renew their seats. If they do not renew by this time, they risk losing their seats. Therefore, sales will be closed in the afternoon. From July 2, unrenewed seats will become available, and from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, only seat changes will be allowed for those who have already renewed their tickets for the upcoming season. Sales will resume at 12:00 PM on July 2.

Prices Remain the Same

The new Levante UD board has decided to keep season ticket prices unchanged from the previous season to encourage fans to purchase and support the team. Discounts will also be maintained for:

  • Loyalty: Attendance at 75% of the matches grants a bonus if holding a share purchased before the first league match of the 23/24 season.
  • Renewal: Discount for renewing the season ticket.
  • Shareholders: Discount for holding at least 4 club shares.
  • Youth: Discount for those under 25 years.
  • Children: Discount for those under 14 years.

Special Promotion for Peñistas, Veterans, and Animation Stand

In a significant update, peñistas registered with any peñas in the Levante UD Peñas Delegation, members of the Levante UD Footballers Association, and those in the animation stand (mainly known as Levante Fans) will receive the renewal price even for new memberships and first-time purchases, provided they present proof of payment of the Levante Fans club fee.

More Information

For full details on dates and prices, please refer to the official announcement here.