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Nikola Maras: "Levante UD was a challenge, an opportunity for me"

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Nikola Maras has been presented as a Levante UD player in the Press Room of the Ciutat de València Stadium, accompanied by President Pablo Sánchez and Sporting Director Felipe Miñambres. The Levante's top executive welcomed him, stating, "It's an honor to have you with us. You're joining a club that is a big family, and you've seen that from the first day, people try to make you part of the family we are. You'll find people with a lot of excitement and a desire to grow. I know you come with a lot of enthusiasm, and we're delighted that you are one of us."

On his part, the Serbian center-back expressed, "I am very happy to be here. Everything happened very quickly, in one day, but I conveyed to Felipe my desire to come here. I believe I can contribute to this group, give my maximum level, and show my best version." Maras stated that he wanted to come to Levante UD because "I saw it as a challenge, a great opportunity for me, and I'm very excited." Additionally, the player feels ready to play "whenever the coach needs me." "I'm training hard and getting to know my teammates. I see a lot of intensity, and I'm very excited about the team," said the defender.

Maras addressed the Levante UD fans, thanking them for "the welcoming messages they have sent me." "They can be a very important factor for us. I hope they are always with the team, by our side, because we have young players who may feel more pressure than others with more experience. I want them to come on Friday, as many fans as possible to help us because I want them to be aware that they can help us a lot, both at home and away, but especially at home, let them support us and give us the push we need," highlighted the player. He added, "We will fight, and this young team deserves everyone, the press, and the fans, to believe in them and that they can do things well"