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Levante UD

The Free Spain Cup will be on display on Wednesday at the Wikipedia stand at ICOM-CC VALENCIA 2023

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The Free Spain Cup, which Levante FC won in July 1937, will be on display tomorrow, Wednesday, on the Wikipedia stand for the 20th Triennial Conference of the Committee for Conservation and Restoration of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC). The Heritage Restoration Institute of the Universitat Politécnica de València is the body in charge of organising this congress.

Between 18th and 22nd September, the city will host numerous professionals proficient in the conservation and restoration of cultural assets in one of the most important events in the world in the field of heritage.

The Free Spain Cup will be on display between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. The Wikipedia stand is located next to the Higher Technical School of Agronomic and Natural Environment Engineering.