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Personal Data Protection Policy



Who is responsible for processing your data?


Tax ID nº A46064242

Postal address: Calle San Vicente de Paúl, 44, C.P. 46019 Valencia (Spain).

How are your personal data processed?

Pursuant to Regulation (E) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter called the GDPR) and national personal data protection regulations, you are hereby informed that any personal data that you may provide to us will be processed by LEVANTE (hereinafter called Levante U.D.), with registered address at Calle San Vicente de Paúl, 44, 46019 Valencia (Spain).

You undertake that the information and details provided to us are true and accurate. Levante U.D. reserves the right to exclude from these services anyone who provides false data, without prejudice to the right to file for legal action. You hold sole liability for any false or inaccurate statements that you may make and for any harm thereby caused to Levante U.D or to third parties.

All fields on the forms of Levante U.D. are mandatory unless otherwise indicated. Accordingly, failure to complete any field may prevent us from dealing with your request.

Should you need to provide us with personal data on others on any form, you must first obtain their consent and inform them accordingly of the contents of this Privacy Policy.

Why do we collect personal data on you?

In general, your data will be processed by Levante U.D. for the following purposes:

1. To manage your link with the club: Levante U.D. may process your data in managing your link with the club, including any operation required to maintain that link.

2. Entry in prize draws, contests and promotional events (GranotaFan Club): Levante U.D organises prize draws, contests and promotional events under the framework of the GranotaFanClub. Anyone wishing to take part should register voluntarily by completing the forms provided for by the club for that purpose. Levante U.D. will process the data obtained via the forms for participation in the said services and events so as to manage the entry of the data subject and announce the winners or any other information that may prove necessary. Levante U.D. will only process your data in this way with your consent as the data subject. 

3. Contact: Levante U.D. will process any information that you may send us to enable the club to address any queries, suggestions or comments that you may wish to make. Such information enables Levante U.D. to answer you and provide you wish solutions in line with your needs. Levante U.D. undertakes to process the data obtained from and provided by you for as long as necessary for the purpose indicated.

4. Sending of messages and offers for products and services available from the club identical or similar to those already contracted, personalised messages and offers for club products and services plus products and services from our sponsors and collaborating firms, provided that you have given your consent accordingly, that the said consent has not been revoked and that you have not formally objected to data processing. You may revoke your consent at any time as indicated below. For as long as you maintain links with Levante U.D., the personal details submitted to us via any website, online form or application made available to you, and any contracting of products and services, may give rise to automated decisions that have legal effects on you, and to the drawing up of profiles, including automatic profiling using current data, browser data from cookies, historical and statistical data, data obtained from other information sources (third-parties and social media), with a view to optimising offers made to you of products, prices and new proposals on the basis of segmentation according to common patterns. Levante U.D. will only process your data in this way with your consent as the data subject.

5. Sending of newsletters and journals: Levante U.D. will send newsletters and journals via ordinary and electronic means, along with information on the activities and services of the club. When carried out electronically, this is lawful in terms of serving the lawful interests of Levante U.D., pursuant to Article 21 of Act 34/2002 of 11 June on information society services and e-commerce, and pursuant to European Union regulations governing electronic commercial communications.

6. Ticketing, season tickets & online store: Levante U.D. will process information provided by you in order to manage the process of selling products and services.

If you are a Levante U.D. season-ticket holder, the club may also process your data for the following purposes:

Managing links with season-ticket holders: The club may process your data to manage your status as a season-ticket holder. That processing may include the modification and/or updating of your data, changes in personal details, change of bank account number, updating of members of a household, updating of photographs, requests for duplicates, monitoring of payments and status in regard to membership fees, arrangement of financing for membership fees and handling of requests for reductions of fees.

Managing incidents in the ground and infringements: You are informed that the club may process your personal data when necessary in regard to any altercations, fights, disputes or breaches of public order in which you may be involved, and to deal with any infringements of the Internal Rules and Regulations applicable inside the sports facilities of the club ( These data may be passed on to the authorities, the security forces and public safety organisations. You hereby acknowledge and agree that personal data in regard to such circumstances may be reported by the said authorities to the club for the purposes indicated above.

What is the basis for the lawfulness of processing your data?

Levante U.D. is lawfully entitled to process your data to manage your links with the club, for entry in prize draws, contests and promotional events (GranotaFanclub); for contact purposes; for the sending of messages and commercial offers; for the sending of newsletters and journals; and for communication with collaborating third parties and sponsors, since you have given your informed consent.

For ticketing, season tickets and the online store, your data as a season-ticket holder at Levante U.D. may be processed as the basis for implementing a service provision agreement.

How do we ensure the security of your data?

Levante U.D. has taken the necessary technical and organisational measures as stipulated in EU General Data Protection Regulations to ensure security in the processing of your personal data and prevent any loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft in regard to same.

How are data on minors processed?

Levante U.D. does not collect or process personal data on individuals aged less than 14 years without the consent of a parent, tutor or legal representative. Levante U.D. does not admit electronic or face-to-face registration for or participation in club activities on the part of individuals aged less than 14 years. If there is any doubt as to the age of a minor, Levante U.D. may require the presentation of an official document in proof of age and/or authorisation from a legal representative.

How long can we hold on to your personal data?

The personal data accessed in regard to your links with Levante U.D. may be processed for so long as proves necessary for the purposes indicated. Accordingly, once its links with you come to an end the club will lock out your personal data but will continue to hold same until the end of the limitation period for any legal actions that may arise from those links.

Once they are locked out, your data cannot be accessed by the club, and the club will not process them except to make them available to public administrations, courts and tribunals in regard to potential liabilities arising from their processing, and for the filing of and defence against claims at the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

The period for which GranotaFanclub data are held is equivalent to the duration of your membership of same. Data may be held for longer for purposes of historical archives or statistics, so long as you do not exercise your right of objection and/or deletion.

Finally, unless you revoke your consent in regard to this purpose, the club will hold your data in order to keep you up to date with any products, events and services relative to Levante U.D that may be of interest to you.

Who will receive your data?

Levante U.D. may pass on your personal data to:

1. Collaborating firms and sponsors of Levante U.D., with your consent. A list of collaborating firms and sponsors can be found via the following link:

2. The data on club season-ticket holders as indicated above may be passed on to FUNDACIÓN LEVANTE UNIÓN DEPORTIVA CENT ANYS for the publicising and organising of events concerned with LEVANTE UNIÓN DEPORTIVA, S.A.D. The purpose of this foundation is to conserve, publicise and promote the sporting, cultural and social aspects of LEVANTE UNIÓN DEPORTIVA, S.A.D., and to help foster scientific, social and cultural activities of all kinds and forms concerned with sport in general and football in particular, primarily at grass-roots level. This information will be used by the foundation in the course of this season and future seasons unless you exercise your right of objection and/or deletion.

3. Public bodies, courts and tribunals and authorities in general when disclosure is compulsory in law.

4. Data may be passed on to suppliers with data access to which formal obligations and responsibilities are contracted out as Data Processors.

5. If season-tickets are paid for under financing schemes, that financing is arranged via a private bank or lending institution.

What rights do I have?

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability and restriction of or objection to the processing of your data by writing to Levante U.D., enclosing a photocopy of your National Identity Card or equivalent identity document at the following address: – LOPD Calle San Vicente de Paúl, 44, C.P. 46019 Valencia (Spain).

Where can I file a complaint?

If you consider that your rights in regard to data protection have been breached, you may in any event contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency as the supervisory body on data protection at C/ Jorge Juan nº 6, Madrid or via its website (